
Awarua Quadrant is the largest area of heavy industrial zoned land in Australasia.

The land covers 513 Ha and has a net development area of 403 Ha, with the remaining area to be revitalised into community areas, landscaping, and wetlands.

Awarua Quadrant is strategically located on the outskirts of Invercargill in Southland, New Zealand.
The site has excellent transportation links with direct access on to State Highway One, the main rail trunk line and with Southport located 10km away at Bluff. Additionally, the Invercargill Airport and Invercargill itself are located 10km away to the north.

Awarua Quadrant aims to be a catalyst for the growth of the local primary industry and the value-add sectors as well as bourgeoning local industries such as technology, aquaculture, and renewable energy.  

Click on the Maps and Concept Masterplan below to enlarge